Worldwide markets are poised to achieve continuing growth as Innovation Funding proves its value by helping technology development.
Development via innovation seeks to leverage government and university research to create teams of people working on projects to achieve the development of new markets. Innovation in the digital economy and energy storage require enormous funding. Energy storage depends on the availability of renewable energy. Community development and infrastructure investment depend on teams that initiate innovation projects in their communities. Teams can coordinate across the globe with enterprise corporate organizations to provide a living wage to professionals. Teams need to be able to tackle innovation for environmental restructuring.
Areas of Innovation for Economic Development include robots, AI,, and renewable energy.
Innovation begins with an idea, sometimes in response to a particular challenge or to take advantage of a, new opportunity. The number of resources required, for this first stage of the innovation process varies, widely, depending on the type of innovation being, created.
Innovation does not happen unless it gets funded. When there is funding, people can turn ideas into products. Apps and software are needed to develop innovation. The types of company development model that are primarily used, determine the category of software used for implementation projects.
Capitalism depends on market growth; market growth comes from innovation in products and services. With the 4th industrial revolution well underway, capitalism promises to experience major shifts in how it is implemented.
Those shifts seek to leverage infusion of large amounts of capital from governments into projects that implement innovation. Enterprise organizations refuse to erode a profitable product revenue base in favor of building out an unproven innovation product, thereby creating an impasse. In general, the board of directors of a large enterprise organization will not let the executives erode the current business with unproven technology. Then it falls to others to fund innovation.
Capitalism depends on market growth, market growth comes from innovation in products and services. With the 4th industrial revolution well underway, capitalism promises to experience major shifts in how innovation is implemented with additional funding for innovation that goes beyond enterprise funding. This major funding for new products outside enterprise organizations represents a major shift in how capitalism works, giving a thrust to SMB organizations, helping them scale with new products. The aim is to create a living wage for senior professionals outside the enterprise and outside professions that are shrinking. Robots are in many cases replacing jobs that provide a living wage.
Funding Innovation Market Report (WGR)