AVM-EVMS SmartPhone voting system provides a comple blockchain voting system. AVM-EVMS code is contained and implementd in an app that can be run in a poll site on a tablet, on a smartphone, or online. It implements multiple independent interacting state machines in code. These coded state machines are used to process an event, like an election official starting an election, a voter selecting a candidate, poll workers closing voting and creating a tally. All the events in the voting system cascade and create interdependencies that require state logic controls.
For example, a voter cannot register vote selections until the ballot has been created and election has started. The ballot needs to be sent to the smartphone in a format that permits the voter can use the ballot. The ballot needs to be configured so that offices, candidate names, and questions are presented in the proper sequence and the proper order. Sequenced presnetation needs to be supported.
A state machine is a set of code that manages an event, or in this case a set of events, where each event may have more than one outcome depending on varying extant conditions in the event. A candidate may be selected or deselected. The selection process may be disabled because the voting has not yet commenced or has been closed for the day. Multiple independent interacting state machines manage a whole lot of events at the same time where each event can have more than one outcome. The multiple independent interacting state machines handle changing and different results at the same time in each state, before moving to the next step in the processing. This is a very complex problem for computers to handle.
The AVM-EVMS code is able to manage multiple tasks that are virtually simultaneous, where the state transitions are being called from various different points in the main function or its sub-functions. The system codebase is designed to keep track of all states tracked, retaining information about the current status of each event. AVM-EVMS is a multiple state machine managed by a "main" function.

Susan Huhn Eustis Invented the First Electronic Voting Machine by Digitizing Thomas Edison's AVM Mechanical Device
Multiprocessing Nonlinear Functions
AVM-EVMS manages nonlinear functions. Nonlinear programming (NLP) is the process of solving an optimization problem where some of the constraints are not linear equalities. Nonlinear functions demand multiprocessing, the ability to keep track of multiple states at the same time and render decisions about events in the context of nonlinearity.
Nonlinear functions operate on a set of real variables that are conditional in various, noncongruent ways. In multiple independent interacting state machines a system of equalities and inequalities, collectively termed constraints, is combined using nonlinear functions. Nonlinear functions comprise a sub-field of mathematical optimization that deals with problems that are not linear.
Nonlinear problems describe situations where events don't clearly follow each other, in fact, are probably unrelated to each other. An example in elections would be tracking whether it is before the polls open, during voting, or after the polls close, along with tracking selections of candidates for different offices, while tracking the position of various offices that have different rules for the number of candidates to be elected, where the ballot display may be vertical, horizontal, or Australian, all the time while handling write-ins.
A nonlinear problem is one where multiple events being processed simultaneously create a situation that is unorganized. Events that do not develop sequentially or in a logical and connected manner need a nonlinear solution. Events that encompass chaos are a result of a variety of constraints needing attention. Events that need to be accessed together to figure out the response to an event, say selecting a candidate on a ballot. This lack of going from one thing to another in a single smooth series of stages is the opposite of linear, hence the term nonlinear.
The AVM-EVMS voting system is uniquely designed to handle voting situations. Susan Eustis invented the first electronic voting machine.