Write-ups in the Press of WinterGreen Research

The Premier Global Market Research Company
Robots and AI
Robotics growth brings the 4th industrial revolution, driving enormous wealth worldwide. The robots are less expensive than manual labor, they work 24x7, seven days a week without getting sick or complaining. New collaborative robots do multiple tasks sequentially, expanding the single task aspect of robotics to mastery of multiple repetitive operations. Agricultural robots, surgical robots, industrial robots have many aspects.
Healthcare delivery is at the cusp of major shifts. Cures for cancer are at the center of healthcare research expenditures. All surgery is poised to be robotic. Heart disease is becoming better understood as PAH is able to be diagnosed. Healthcare oxygen markets are set to expand. Mobile devices will deliver more wellness and diagnostic information to healthcare. Pulse oximetry is expanding. CPAP and alternative sleep apnea treatments are expected to expand. Healthcare information systems are evolving further.
The automotive industry is undergoing vast change due to the shift from internal combustion engines to all-electric engines. EV is set to replace the internal combustion engine for all transportation. EV markets include infrastructure improvements for EV charging stations, lithium batteries, telematics, and remote automotive driving systems. Automotive transition to EV includes the adoption of renewable energy storage in each home or apartment garage.
Technology market research reports in AI, Cloud Servers, Telecom, Software, Cloud, Elections, Smartphone Voting, and Advanced Computing, are used to help make investment decisions. The technology software industry promises to become more automated, cloud computing will dominate every aspect of the technology industry. AI technology has the ability to change everyone's lives, from flying airplanes to designing shoes. Materials and labor become vastly less expensive using technology, portending massive growth in everything.
Sports markets are about to undergo fundamental shifts in a post-pandemic world. Youth sports markets are expanding as the community settles into supporting youth sports. Existing markets will show shifts to account for the new normal and new opportunities that exist for youth sports market growth. The range of applications for participation in youth sports includes equipment, clothing, video, and venues. Youth sports software goes across all the segments, providing a cohesive platform for youth sports.
Market Research reports in energy, look at new and emerging markets in wind turbines, offshore wind, battery technology, and solar.
As the fossil fuel industry begins to disappear, exciting renewable energy innovation makes those systems more affordable. Government support for renewable energy makes the markets quicker to develop. The recent energy technology advances promise rapid shifting markets and new opportunities in the energy market. EV and lithium batteries represent a major part of the energy market.